Here is the class outline:
1. COURSE INFORMATIONObjective(s) of Course: The objectives of the course are to enable students to: - Know the concept of Islamic Aqidah and its characteristics (C1) - Understand the articles of faith in detail (C2) - Understand the different fundamental principles in Muslim sects, other religions' belief system and Western ideologies (C2) 1 section
2. CHAPTER ONE - INTRODUCTION1.1 Islam, Iman and Ihsan 1.2 Meaning of Islam, Iman and Ihsan 1.3 The concept of al-Din 1.4 Definition of ‘Aqidah 1.5 Characteristics of Islamic ‘Aqidah 1.6 Relation between ‘Aqidah and Shari’ah 1.7 Importance of Islamic ‘Aqidah 12 sections
3. CHAPTER TWO -THE ARTICLES OF FAITH2.1 The Belief in Allah 2.2 Unity of Allah (Tawhid) 2.3 Classification of Tawhid 2.4 Impacts of Tawhid on human personality and life 10 sections
4. CHAPTER THREE - BELIEF IN MALAIKAT3.1 Angels’ nature and functions 3.2 Significance of belief in Angels 5 sections
5. CHAPTER 4 - BELIEF IN DIVINE SCRIPTURES4.1 Similarities of teachings in divine scriptures 4.2 Significances of belief in Kitab 6 sections
6. CHAPTER 5 - BELIEF IN THE MESSENGERS5.1 The needs of people upon Messengers 5.2 The Roles of Messengers 5.3 The Attributes of Messengers 5.4 The Fundamental teachings of Messengers 2 sections
7. CHAPTER 6 -THE BELIEF IN THE HEREAFTERTHE BELIEF IN THE HEREAFTER 6.1 The Blessing and torture in grave 6.2 The Resurrection 6.3 The Assembly ground (Mahsyar) 6.4 The Horrifying Scenarios of Doomsday 6.5 The Signs of Doomsday – Major and Minor Signs 6.6 Significances of Belief in Hereafter 6 sections
8. CHAPTER 7 : THE BELIEF IN THE PREDESTINATIONTHE BELIEF IN THE PREDESTINATION 7.1 Al-Qada’ 7.2 Al-Qadr 7.3 The Impacts of belief in Predestination 6 sections
9. CHAPTER EIGHT : SHIRK, KUFR AND NIFAQSHIRK, KUFR AND NIFAQ 8.1 Shirk and its types 8.2 Kufr and Nifaq (Hypocrisy) 9 sections
10. CHAPTER 9 : THE EMERGENCE OF MUSLIM SECTS AND ITS DOCTRINESTHE EMERGENCE OF MUSLIM SECTS AND ITS DOCTRINES 9.1 Jabarites 9.2 Qadarites 9.3 Mu’tazilites 9.4 Shi’ites 9.5 Kharijites 4 sections