To give exposure on applying the effective strategies to inculcate the Islamic values to young children.
Here is the class outline:
1. Course Information2 sections
2. Chapter 1: Introduction to Islamic and Moral Education
Oct 21
CLO1: Explain the important elements of Islamic values inculcation in teaching young children (C2). 1.1 The concept of Islamic Education 1.2 The concept of Moral Education 1.3 Islamic & Moral Education in National Curriculum 1.3.1 Nursery & toddlers 1.3.2 Pre-schoolers 2 sections
3. Chapter 2: Key Aspects in Islamic Knowledge and MoralCLO2: Integrate the important key aspects in Islamic teachings with any subject matters and activities (C2). 2.1 Quranic basic 2.2 Aqidah 2.3 Ibadah 2.4 Sirah 2.5 Akhlak 2.6 Jawi 2.7 Moral 3 sections
4. Chapter 3: TEACHING FARDHU AIN IN EARLY CHILDHOODCLO3: Apply effective strategies to inculcate Islamic values in teaching young children based on Developmentally Appropriate Practice (C3). 3.1 Meaning of Fardhu Ain 3.2 Fardhu Ain Components 3.3 The Importance of Teaching Fardhu Ain in early childhood 3.4 Approaches and Techniques in Teaching Fardhu Ain in early childhood 2 sections
5. CHAPTER 4 :TEACHING AQIDAH IN EARLY CHILDHOODCLO3: Apply effective strategies to inculcate Islamic values in teaching young children based on Developmentally Appropriate Practice (C3). 4.1 Meaning of Aqidah 4.2 Aqidah according to the Quran and Sunnah 4.3 Foundations of developing Aqidah in early childhood 4.4 Approaches and Techniques in Teaching Aqidah in early childhood 3 sections
6. CHAPTER 5: TEACHING IBADAH IN EARLY CHILDHOODCLO3: Apply effective strategies to inculcate Islamic values in teaching young children based on Developmentally Appropriate Practice (C3). 5.1 Foundations of Ibadah 5.1.1 Prayer (salah) 5.1.2 Community due (zakah) 5.1.3 Fasting (sawm) 5.1.4 Pilgrimage (hajj) 5.2 Approaches and Techniques in Teaching Ibadah in early childhood 5.3 Cultivating the Correct Conduct of Ibadah in early childhood 2 sections
7. CHAPTER 6: Teaching AkhlaqCLO3: Apply effective strategies to inculcate Islamic values in teaching young children based on Developmentally Appropriate Practice (C3). 6.1 Definition of Akhlaq and Adab 6.2 Foundation of Developing Akhlaq 6.3 Methods and Techniques in Inculcating Adab in early childhood 2 sections
8. CHAPTER 7: PARTNERSHIP IN ISLAMIC AND MORAL EDUCATIONCLO3: Apply effective strategies to inculcate Islamic values in teaching young children based on Developmentally Appropriate Practice (C3). 7.1 Roles of parents and family 7.2 Roles of teacher and school 7.3 Community involvement 3 sections
9. Chapter 8: ASSESSMENT AND OBSERVATION8.1 Types of assessment 2 sections
10. REFERENCES1 section