To introduce students the guidelines and principles underlies in developing the curriculum for young children.
Here is the class outline:
Course Information2 sections
Chapter 1
Apr 11
CLO1 :Explain the concepts of curriculum in early childhood education C2). 1. Introduction to Curriculum in Early Childhood Education 1.1 Defining Curriculum 1.2 The importance of curriculum 1.3 Early Educators and their influences on the Curriculum 1.3.1 Friedrich Froebel 1.3.2 Rudolph Steiner 1.3.3 Margaret McMillan 1.3.4 Susan Isaac 1.3.5 Maria Montessori 1.3.6 Te Whariki 1.3.7 Reggio Emilia 2 sections
Chapter 2
Apr 18
CLO1 :Explain the concepts of curriculum in early childhood education C2). CLO2 :Explain the keys principles and models of curriculum planning which regards in preparation of nursery and preschool curriculum 2. Key Principles and Models of Curriculum Planning and Development 2.1 Management of curriculum 2.1.1 Planning 2.1.2 Organization 2.1.3 Implementation 2.1.4 Assessment 2.1.5 Evaluation 2.2 Characteristics of appropriate curriculum for young children 3 sections
Chapter 3CLO1 :Explain the concepts of curriculum in early childhood education CLO2 :Explain the keys principles and models of curriculum planning which regards in preparation of nursery and preschool curriculum "3. Approaches of Curriculum and Areas of Development 3.1 Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum 3.1.1 Principles of Developmentally Appropriates Practices 3.1.2 Child Centered versus Teacher Centered 3.2Types of Curriculum 3.2.1 Interest –based Curriculum: Horizontal planning 3.2.2 Integrated Curriculum: Integrated Learning 3.2.3 Skill –based Curriculum: Vertical Planning 3.3 Areas of Development 3.3.1 Development of Faith (Iman) and Manner 3.3.2 Development of personal and social competence 3.3.3 Development of communication skills 3.3.4 Development of analytical and problem skills 3.3.5 Development of physical Competence 3.3.6 Development of creative and aesthetic abilities" 2 sections
Chapter 4CLO2 :Explain the keys principles and models of curriculum planning which regards in preparation of nursery and preschool curriculum (C2). CLO3 :Construct lesson plans for Nursery and Preschool Education (C3). CLO4 :Demonstrate an effective application of lesson plan constructed (C3, A3, P4) "4. Curriculum for Nursery and Preschool Education in Malaysia 4.1 Nursery Education 4.1.1 PERMATA curriculum 4.2 Preschool Education 4.2.1 National Standard Preschool Curriculum" Malaysian curriculum Permata NSPC 2 sections
Chapter 5CLO2 :Explain the keys principles and models of curriculum planning which regards in preparation of nursery and preschool curriculum (C2). CLO3 :Construct lesson plans for Nursery and Preschool Education (C3). CLO4 :Demonstrate an effective application of lesson plan constructed (C3, A3, P4) "5. Understanding the scheduling and Lesson Plan 5.1 Balance of Various Types of Activities 5.2 Handling Routines and Transition 5.3 Scheduling 5.3.1 Schedules as guidelines and documentations 5.3.2 Challenging in preparing scheduling 5.4 Lesson Plan 5.4.1 Lesson Plan as Tools and documentations for Curriculum Planning 5.4.2 Quality Lesson Plan Incorporate Details 5.4.3 Elements of Comprehensive and effective Lesson Planning 5.5 Impacts of emotional climate on learning " 3 sections
Chapter 6CLO2 :Explain the keys principles and models of curriculum planning which regards in preparation of nursery and preschool curriculum (C2). CLO3 :Construct lesson plans for Nursery and Preschool Education (C3). CLO4 :Demonstrate an effective application of lesson plan constructed (C3, A3, P4) "6. Contemporary Issues of Curriculum in Early Childhood Education 6.1 Currents Issues 6.2 Special needs, Inclusion and Diversity 6.3 Parental Interest and Continuity of Curriculum at home 6.4 Expansion of child care and preschool programs in educational setting" 2 sections
RevisionExercises and Sample quizzes 3 sections