Here is the class outline:
1. Mobile App Development assessmentLab test - 10% Individual Assignment - 20% Group Assignment - 30% Final Examination - 40% |
2. Lesson 1 : Introducing Android1.1 Brief history of Mobile software Development 1.2 Android Platform Differences 1.3 The Android Platform 1.4 Setting up the Android Development Environment 1.5 Writing First Android Application 1 section
3. Lesson 2 : Android Application Design Essentials1. Understanding the anatomy of an Android Application. a. Android Terminology b. Using the Application Context c. Performing Application Tasks with Activities d. Working with Services e. Receiving and Broadcasting Intents 2. Defining application using the Android Manifest File. a. Configuring the Android Manifest File b. Registering Activities and other application Components. c. Working with Permissions. 3. Managing application Resources a. What are resources? b. Working with resources 1 section
4. Lesson 3 : Android User Interface Design Essentials1. Exploring User Interface screen Elements a. Android Views and Layouts b. Displaying Text to Users with TextView c. Retrieving data from users d. Using buttons, check boxes and radio groups e. Interface with Options and context menus. f. Handling User Events g. Working with Dialogs h. Working with Styles & Themes 2. Designing User Interfaces with Layouts a. Creating User Interfaces in Android b. Using built-in Layout Classes c. Using built-in View Container Classes 3. Drawing and working with Animation a. Drawing on the screen b. Working with text, bitmaps, shapes & animation 1 section
5. Lesson 4 : Using Common Android APIs1. Using Android Data & Storage APIs a. Working with Files and Directories b. Storing Structured Data Using SQLite Databases 1 section